WP1: Project management and reporting

Summary of WP1

The management Work Package runs throughout the Preparatory Phase, ensuring a smooth and efficient approach towards the objectives of the EISCAT_3D project, with respect to both financial management and general project administration. It will interact with all the other Work Packages in the EISCAT_3D Preparatory Phase to provide overall coordination within the project.

The work package comprises the following tasks:

  • Maintaining a management team whose members will carry out the administration of the EISCAT_3D Preparatory Phase.
  • Maintaining the project activity plan, with changes being made as necessary to ensure the efficient and timely delivery of the project goals
  • Organising all the necessary project meetings, including kick-off, finalisation and regular progress meetings.
  • Maintaining a close communication with all of the partners and with the responsible scientific officer at the Commission.
  • Ensuring the correct administration of the project finances, including the preparation of budgets and regular financial monitoring and reporting.
  • Overseeing the timely preparation and submission of all project reports required by the Commission.

Milestones in WP1

Milestone 1.1: Kick-off meeting

February 22, 2011
The EISCAT_3D Preparatory Phase project started with a kick-off meeting at Clarion Hotel Stockholm. This meeting was Milestone 1.1 of the project.

This Milestone was reached in October 2010.

Milestone 1.2: Technical Advisory Committee established

February 15, 2011
The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is the monitoring body for the technical execution of the EISCAT_3D Preparatory Phase. It consists of a Technical Coordinator, appointed by the Coordinator, up to four members from the consortium members involved in technical development within EISCAT_3D and at least two external members. Except for the Technical Coordinator, the Executive Board is appointing the members to the TAC.

The Technical Coordinator chairs all meetings of the TAC, unless decided otherwise for a specific meeting. There are ordinary meetings at least every six months, and extra meetings when necessary.

The TAC receives and reviews reports every six months from each Work Package leader describing the technical progress of his/her Work Package and the plans for the next six-month period. It reviews and assesses the levels of existing and planned technical coordination between the various Work Packages of the project as well as the levels of existing and planned technical coordination between the various project partners, including their sub-contractors and affiliated entities. It also provides regular feedback to each Work Package leader, assessing the progress of each Work Package, the interactions between the Work Packages and the project participants, and makes recommendations for future actions. Another task of the Technical Advisory Committee is to produce six-monthly reports to the Coordinator and Executive Board on the technical status of the project, including the assessment of overall performance and recommendations for actions over the next six-month period.

EISCAT has chosen Frank Lind (MIT Haystack Observatory, USA) to function as Technical Coordinator, and since the structure of the Technical Advisor Committee has been established by the Executive Board, this Milestone is reached (February 2011).

Milestone 1.3: “All-Hands” meeting held

October 20, 2011
The EISCAT_3D Preparatory Phase had its first all-hands meeting at Space Campus, Kiruna, on 11-13 October 2011. This meeting was Milestone 1.3 of the project.
This Milestone was reached in October 2011.

Milestone 1.4: “All-Hands” meeting held

November 26, 2012
The EISCAT_3D Preparatory Phase had its second all-hands meeting at Space Campus, Kiruna, on 12-13 November 2012. This meeting was Milestone 1.4 of the project.
This Milestone was reached in November 2012.

Milestone 1.5: Mid-way project summary meeting

November 26, 2012
The Mid-way project summary meeting was held in connection to the second EISCAT_3D Preparatory Phase All-hands meeting.

Milestone 1.6: “All-Hands” meeting held

December 6, 2013
Instead of the originally planned third all-hands meeting, a meeting for the people involved in the technically oriented Work Packages took place on 5 November, 2013, at Space Campus in Kiruna. The idea of this meeting was to bridge the gaps between the activities of the technical Work Packages so that the full system can be designed from the different parts. This meeting is Milestone 1.6.
The all-hands meeting will instead take place in spring 2014 together with the project final meeting.
This Milestone was reached in November 2013.

Milestone 1.7: End of project summary meeting

July 3, 2014
The EISCAT_3D Preparatory Phase had an end-of-project summary meeting at Space Campus, Kiruna, on 10-12 September 2014, including a public project summary presentation.
This meeting was Milestone 1.7 of the project and it was reached in September 2014.

Periodic Reports

Periodic Report 1 (1 October 2010 – 31 March 2012)

June 4, 2012
This first Periodic Report covers the first 18 months of the 4-year Preparatory Phase project for the EISCAT_3D facility, Europe’s next-generation radar for the study of the high-latitude atmosphere and geospace. It addresses both the technical and the financial aspects of the project, and has been submitted to the European Commission for evaluation.

Periodic Report 2 (1 April 2012 – 30 September 2013)

December 6, 2013
The second Periodic Report covers the months 19 to 36 of the 4-year Preparatory Phase project for the EISCAT_3D facility (Europe’s next-generation radar for the study of the high-latitude atmosphere and geospace). It addresses the project coordination and management, as well as the technical and financial aspects of the project. It has been submitted to the European Commission for evaluation.

Periodic report 3 (October 2013 – September 2014)

November 30, 2014
The third Periodic Report covers the months 37 to 48 of the 4-year Preparatory Phase project for the EISCAT_3D facility (Europe’s next-generation radar for the study of the high-latitude atmosphere and geospace). It addresses the project coordination and management, as well as the technical and financial aspects of the project. It has been submitted to the European Commission for evaluation.


Documents related to WP1 can be found in our external library.

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