Previous EISCAT Directors
1975-1982 Prof. Tor Hagfors
“The year 1981 has, therefore, been very eventful. It is with considerable satisfaction that, in this last annual report during my tenure as director of EISCAT, it is possible to point to scientific returns on the investment which has been so generously made by the Associates.”
Annual Report 1981
1982-1985 Dr. Murray Baron
“In closing this, my last annual report, I want to express my appreciation to the Council and in particular to the past and present Chairmen for giving me the opportunity to be associated with EISCAT and for providing support and encouragement through some difficult times. My best wishes to the incoming Director, Dr. Jürgen Röttger, and the entire EISCAT staff and user community for a productive and successful future.”
Annual Report 1985
1986-1997 Prof. Jürgen Röttger
“It is my sincere desire that the standard of EISCAT, built up over the years, can continue and I wish the Association and my successor Dr. Tauno Turunen a successful future.”
Annual Report 1996-1997
1998-2002 Prof. Tauno Turunen
”My contract with EISCAT ended 31.12.2002. I want to use this opportunity present my sincere thanks to the EISCAT Council and other committees of the EISCAT Scientific Association for the co-operation during altogether five years when I worked as the Director of EISCAT. Finally I hope that the work and planning for the future of EISCAT finally ends with successful results and we continue to see incoherent scatter measurements and related science results after the time that the present EISCAT contract come to an end.”
Annual Report 2002
2003-2008 Prof. Anthony Paul van Eyken
”The Association, under its next Director, Esa Turunen, has a brilliant future ahead and I look forward to watching its inevitable success over the coming years. I thank all staff members, past and present, for your dedication and loyalty and wish you all every success in the future!”
Annual Report 2008
2009-2012 Prof. Esa Turunen
”Council thanked Dr. Esa Turunen, for his work as Director for the Association from 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2012.”
Council Short Report from the 79th meeting
2013-2022 Prof. Craig Heinselman
“This was the last meeting of the current EISCAT director, Dr. Craig Heinselman. EISCAT Council thanked him for his work for the Association and his invaluable efforts in the construction of the EISCAT_3D facility.”
Council Short Report from the 99th meeting