COOP+: Cooperation of research infrastructures to address global challenges in the environmental field
International collaboration is a key factor to achieve relevant results in most research areas in our days. The COOP+ project is motivated by the interest of several Research Infrastructures (RIs) in Europe to benefit from extending international collaboration with other RIs in their areas of expertise at global, worldwide level, to be able to jointly address in new projects cross-disciplinary global challenges. COOP+ will focus in three research areas that have shown the potential of the collaboration at worldwide level to address Global challenges, and where corresponding RIs have emerged in the last years under the ESFRI umbrella: Arctic Research, Marine Science and Biodiversity.
COOP+ has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme under grant agreement no 654131.
The project will start in March 2016 and will continue until August 2018.
It is coordinated by LifeWatch ERIC / University of Granada.
EISCAT’s main role in the project is to organise an international summer course on technical solutions used in the incoherent scatter radar community. The course will be aimed at providing participants with hands-on experience in designing, running and understanding the results of incoherent scatter radar experiments, and making sure that this experience will be useful to be applied at any one of the incoherent scatter radars worldwide. It will demonstrate for non-expert participants how to request, design and analyse incoherent scatter radar experiments, and combine the obtained data with complementary data sets such as those from optical measurements.