EISCAT Newsletter 6



EISCAT Newsletter

For most of us the vacation time is up. Autumn is comming, the days are getting shorter and the nights are darker. Any way.

”New Capabilities of the Upgraded EISCAT High-Power HF Facility”

by M. T. Rietveld, A. Senior, J. Markkanen and A. Westman

 A paper has just been accepted by the journal Radio Science which gives an updated description of the EISCAT heating facility near Tromsø.

EISCAT Tromsø Site

EISCAT Tromsø Site

The paper describes the upgrades that have been done in recent years to which many present and former EISCAT staff from all three mainland sites shave made substantial contributions.

This is a short extract from the abstract of the paper.

”The high-power HF (High Frequency) facility (commonly known as Heating) near Tromsø, Norway, which is an essential part of the EISCAT (European Incoherent SCATter) Scientific Association, has been upgraded in certain key areas in recent years. It is one of only four similar facilities in the world operating at present.” …

”The main high-power parts such as transmitters, feed-system and antennas remain essentially the same as built in the late 1970s. The improvements are in the areas of radio frequency waveform generation, computer control and monitoring. In particular, fast stepping in frequency is now possible, an important aspect in examining features close to harmonics of the electron gyrofrequency. ”

You can find a preliminary version of the paper here: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2016RS006093/abstract

EISCAT Headquarters
Rymdcampus 1
SE-981 92 Kiruna
+46 980 791 50

Emma Unander
+46 980 791 56
