EISCAT Newsletter 5


New colleagues

Summer is coming up and it is time for a newsletter.

Staff news

EISCAT have had two vacant positions that  recently have been filled. Just a few days ago our new colleagues started out here at EISCAT HQ.

Mr. Harri Hellgren from Finland and Mr. Robert Juhlin form Kiruna, Sweden, will be working on the EISCAT_3D project.
We welcome them and hope they will like it here.


Dr. Ingrid Mann is off to new challenges. She will start working at the university in Tromsø, Norway. We give Ingrid all our best wishes and hope that she will feel at home in her new country. She will be missed. A great thanks to Ingrid for all her efforts during her time here at EISCAT.

At last, summer vacations starts in a near future. I hope you all have a nice summer and that we all get the best of weather for our activities.

Mr. Harri Hellgren

Mr. Harri Hellgren

Mr. Robert Juhlin

Mr. Robert Juhlin