EISCAT Newsletter 1


New Newsletter

Welcome to EISCAT’s new newsletter. This is an irregular voluntary newsletter that will be published whenever there is something to report. It comes in addition to the project contractual newsletters. I hope you will read it and that you will find it interesting. If you have something you would like to share: news, happenings or other interesting things, please e-mail me. In this newsletter I will start with a presentation of myself.


My name is Emma and I am the new addition to the administrative department at EISCAT Headquarters.

I will be working with accounting and everything from webdesign to writing this newsletter. Hopefully I will be able to support all of you in your line of work, maybe by doing illustrations, prototyping, editing photos or just keeping the webpage in order. I will also try to develop the best intranet for us, for social interaction and sharing information.

I have a degree in informatics and because of the width of my studies, I know a little about many different things concerning creation, presentation and evaluation of information and information media.


EISCAT newsletter

Other things I like are renovating my house in Kurravaara, spend time outside in the nature, fishing, skiing, running and picking berries. I live in Kiruna with my husband and our dog and two cats. Hopefully I will be moving in to my house in a near future.

That was a little about me. Stay tuned for the next newsletter.