Asteroid gets the name Wannberg


11807 Wannberg

Asta Pellinen-Wannberg gets an asteroid named after her.

Motivation: Asta Pellinen-Wannberg (b. 1953) is a Swedish geophysicist and astronomer at Umeå University known for radar observation of meteors. She studies interaction of small meteoroids with the atmosphere using high-power large-aperture radars.

“Asta Pellinen-Wannberg was the first scientist in the world to use big scatter radar to study meteors, triggered by small particles from space, penetrating the atmosphere. Together with Gudmund Wannberg, then, Technical Manager and Deputy Director of the EISCAT radar facility, as well as Teacher at Umeå University, they discovered by accident in December 1990 that meteors could be systematically studied with the EISCAT radar. This work is now rewarded and it is nice that the asteroid is wearing the pioneers’ common surname. – (latest 2017-05-09)

About the asteroid:

Earlier, the Asteroid 1981 was called EH17 – and now 11807 Wannberg. The asteroid was discovered on March 1, 1981 by an astronomer named S.J. Bus at Siding Spring Observatory in Australia. It moves within the asteroid belt outside the planet Mars between 2.7 and 3.1 astronomical units (1 AU is the distance between the sun and the earth), its diameter is 5.98 kilometers and period 5.39 years.