WP1: Management of the EISCAT_3D Design Study

WP1: Management of the EISCAT_3D Design Study

February 12, 2010
The Management Work Package was running throughout the EISCAT_3D Design Study to ensure a co-ordinated and concerted approach towards the project objectives. This Work Package also covered tasks such as the reporting of the financial and administrative status of the Design Study to the European Union. Annual Reports and activity Reports where produced.

The leading participant of this Work Package was EISCAT Scientific Association.

Final management report of the EISCAT_3D Design Study (June 2009)
Final Report of the EISCAT_3D Design Study – EU style (July 2009)
Final summary financial report consolidating the costs of all the contractors taking into account any adjustments made by the Commission, in an aggregate form covering the entire duration of the project (July 2009)
Table of the human effort per partner and task along the entire duration of the project (July 2009)

Activity reports

Fourth activity report of the EISCAT_3D Design Study (June 2009)
Third activity report of the EISCAT_3D Design Study (June 2008)
Second activity report of the EISCAT_3D Design Study (June 2007)
First activity report of the EISCAT_3D Design Study (June 2006)

Annual reports

Fourth annual report of the EISCAT_3D Design Study (June 2009)
Third annual report of the EISCAT_3D Design Study (June 2008)
Second annual report of the EISCAT_3D Design Study (June 2007)
First annual report of the EISCAT_3D Design Study (June 2006)