Tender 3: Sub-Array Transmitter System [CLOSED]

  EISCAT3D Tenders

Tender 3: Sub-Array Transmitter System [CLOSED]

Status: 2018-10-26 Contract Signed

Selected Vendor

EISCAT has signed a contract for the delivery of the Sub-Array Transmitter System for EISCAT_3D with DA-Design Oy, Finland.

DA-Design Oy is part of the DA-Group, a provider of advanced electronics and high technology solutions and products. The DA-Group serves industrial, defence and space sector customers on a global scale. The core competencies are embedded software solutions, FPGA designs, electronics, mechanics and RF, microwave and millimeter wave engineering. The service portfolio covers the turnkey solutions: from R&T, product development and engineering, testing and validation, manufacturing to product lifecycle management. Established in 1995 in Forssa, Finland, DA-Group employs about 100 professionals. www.da-group.com (source: DA-Design, 2018-06-28)


The Sub-Array Transmitter System (SAT) procurement covers High Power Amplifiers, Tx/Rx-switches and Power Supplies. One SAT consists of 182 channels having 500 W peak each. Due to potential funding constraints, a part of system build-up will be handled as options that may be ordered later, but before the final regular deliveries are done. As a first procurement 19 SAT’s will be bought having 3 458 channels all together. The full EISCAT 3D system will have 109 SAT’s giving almost 20 000 channels making 10 MW peak power.

The procurement will be through a two-stage process: first an open competitive procedure followed by restricted (invited only) tendering. To be part of this process, tenderers need to first express their interest:

Technical Specification for Transmitter Unit

Call for expression of interest for Transmitter Unit

App2 EOI Requirements Answer Template to be used when expressing the interest

Deadline for Expression of Interest: 2018-06-29


The Call for Expression of Interest referred to Transmitter Unit. We have since then decided to change the name to Sub-Array Transmitter System (SAT) since that corresponds to one procurement object

Questions and Answers

Last update: 2018-08-08

Question 84: Regarding 10.3, requirement for technical and professional capacity, items 1-3: If we intend to use a subcontractor for parts of the work, will this apply for the subcontractor too?

Answer 84: It is permissible to present previous work from also suggested subcontractors to indicate the technical and professional capacity by the tenderer.

Question 85: Regarding: 13.4, submission: The wording is “Expression of interests are accepted in original and via email (PDF)”. Does this mean that you want both a scanned copy and an original set by mail?

Answer 85: We accept both versions, either a scan or an original.

Question 86: Regarding 2.2 in the Expression of Interest (EOI) and 3.4 in the Technical Specification (TS), the descriptions are somewhat different. What is the actual scope of delivery?

Answer 86: Delivery shall include all necessary parts to install the power amplifiers in standard 19-inch racks (provided by another vendor). The breakdown is:

 Sub-Array Transmitter System (SAT) = a Procurement Object

  • Corresponds to 182 power amplifiers grouped into:

 Transmitter Units (TU)

  • 8-32 power amplifiers (SSPA’s) including mounting, capacitors and power supply(s) divided into TU’s. It is up to the vendor to define the number of SSPA´s/TU. A minimum of one (1) discrete power supply system/32 SSPA´s is required, and is included in the concept of TU.

Solid State Power Amplifier (SSPA)

  • A one-channel item including the high-power amplifier, TR-switch, isolator, control electronics and interface.

Note: We foresee three natural groupings: TU-8, TU-16 or TU-32 (see illustration on page 3 in the Call for Expression of Interest)

Question 87: Regarding 2.2 in the EOI and 4. In the TS, the naming is not coherent. What naming should we use in the reply to the EOI?

Answer 87: See previous answer

Question 88: Regarding item 1 in 4.1, scope, initial contract phase, what is expected to be delivered/provided in this item?

Answer 88: The initial contract phase includes the design of the system and a delivery of a first article.

  • The first article should correspond to a 32 channel TU (i. e. 32 SSPA’s, capacitors, mounting hardware and power supply(s).

Note: The first article will be installed by EISCAT in a test system to be built at the present EISCAT site in Norway. It will be used for verifying the individual performance as well as validating its behaviour in an integrated installation.

Question 89: Regarding items 3 and 4 in 4.1, scope, what can be expected in these items?

Answer 89: The purpose of these items is to asses the cost add-on in case of late change-orders decided, and ordered, by EISCAT. For instance, relating to the transmitter procurement, EISCAT could in theory decide that a different type of mounting hardware will be needed, and thus place a change-order meaning that parts of the system needs to be re-designed, and re-manufactured. Items 3 and 4 would then give the cost addon for such a change-order.

Question 90: Regarding 7.1 Delivery: Relating to customs procedures, who is the importer of the items?

Answer 90: EISCAT Scientific Association has offices in the three countries so the importer will be

  • EISCAT-Sweden,
  • EISCAT-Norway, or
  • EISCAT-Finland.

Question 91: Relating to imports and operations of the items: Who is responsible (EISCAT or contractor) for country specific approvals and licenses?

Answer 91: EISCAT is responsible for having the approvals to operate the transmitter system. The contractor is responsible for that the provide items comply with national regulations (electrical, etc.). In the Statement of Work document (will be provided to invited tenderers), the requirement will be “The Procurement Object shall be in compliance with EU regulations”.

Question 92: Regarding 8.1, price: We interpret this to mean that the prices offer should be stated without VAT, correct?

Answer 92: Yes, the prices should be without VAT. VAT will be handled by EISCAT as a separate action (either as part of the import or through an administrative routine).

Question 93: Regarding 9.1, advance payment: can this be interpreted as a “letter of credit” issued by a bank?

Answer 93: Yes.

Answer 93b: EISCAT can also accept handling consequent payments via a “letter of credit” setup

Question 94: Regarding 10.3, requirement for technical and professional capacity, item 4: We interpret this to mean the actual planned location for verifying the performance of the items to be delivered. What if we have not yet decided where the manufacturing will be done?

Answer 94: If you have not yet decided the manufacturing place yet, please give an example based on a likely location.

Question 95: Regarding 16.3, specifications: We assume that the reference to the TS means the final specifications set after the negotiations period, correct?

Answer 95: Yes, the final appendices will be the ones agreed at the end of the negotiation period.

Question 96: Regarding 16.4, quality management systems: When will the CDRL (Contract Data Requirements List) be provided (we cannot assess whether we will comply with the requirements before seeing them)?

Answer 95: The CDRL will be included in the document package sent to the invited tenderers. If you are invited, you will have a chance to view the requirements then.

Question 97: Regarding 16.5, title and rights of use – information submitted by EISCAT: What kind of information is expected?

Answer 97: 16.5 is about who owns the information provided, both from EISCAT as well as other parties, including the contractor. For this procurement, natural information will be technical, like definition of interfaces, etc.

Question 98: Regarding 16.7, EISCAT-supplied resources: What is expected?

Answer 98: This is up to the tender to present what kind of EISCAT-supplied resources will be needed to verify the performance. Since the transmitter system will be controlled by the Pulse and Steering Control Unit (PSCU), a possible resource will be such unit(s) for testing at the factory.

Question 99: The Pulse and Steering Control Unit (PSCU) is only briefly covered in your documents (visible in figure 5 and in the definition list in the Technical Specification for the SAT). As of this, our understanding is that delivery of PSCUs is not included in the SAT procurement. Is this correct?

Answer 99: Correct, PSCU will be separated procurement.

Question 100: Our understanding is that the SAT contractor is responsible to provide cables needed within the Sub-Array Transmitter system (SAT). Cabling between the SAT and other subsystems in the Sub-array is not included in the SAT procurement. Correct?

Answer 100: Correct. It should be clearly indicated in the offer what, if any, cables are need from EISCAT.

Question 102: In Chapter 4.2 “Options” of “Enquiry for SAT”, the quantity and unit of Item 1 and 2 is “Price per item”, but the quantities of these two items are not fixed (between 1 and 36, between 1 and 54). Is it better to provide the price for each sub-array transmitter system, just as described in “Call for EOI for TU.pdf”?

Answer 102: One procurement object is SAT including 182 channels and option will be number of SATs, as your question indicated. Offer can have volume discounts for the options – for example 1, 10, 20, 36 SAT’s

Question 103: Is there any requirements for linearity? 

Answer 103: Requirement SS_TU_02_03 will be added with linearity specification. Input signal is BPSK/QPSK having upto 2 Mboud symbol rate. Linear operation is expected in order to keep adjacent channels clean.

Question 104:    1 General instructions. We understand that questions about this tender are accepted until four days before the closing date of 31st Aug, even after the dialogue closing date of 3rd Aug. Please confirm this point.

Answer 104: Documents will be updated after 3rd Aug but questions can be still send and we will answer to them.

Question 105:    6 DELIVERY. Regarding Q/A No.90, will EISCAT, the importer, handle the custom procedures? Or will the contractor do it?

Answer 105: Delivery shall be in DDP terms. Scientific instruments has been excluded from customs duties but EISCAT can not guarantee this for the future.

Question 106:    8 Form of Contract. We need to request you that, in this contract, the payment from EISCAT (buyer) to us (seller) has to be?made by means of a mutually agreed documentary, irrevocable letter of credit issued by a first class bank. Please confirm your acceptance of this payment scheme.

Answer 106: Yes, EISCAT can accept the payment through letter of credit by a first class bank.

Question 107:    8.3 Envisaged payment schedule. 

At Contract award 10%
Design phase milestones 30%
Ready for Production 20%
Shipped from Factory 20%
Final Acceptance 20%

– With regard to the second milestone “”Design phase milestones””, can we propose the timing of this milestone along with our project schedule? If the timing of this design phase milestone is determined, please specify it.
– With regard to the third milestone “”Ready for Production””, can we propose the timing of this milestone along with our project schedule? If there is obvious definition, please specify it.
– With regard to the forth milestone “”Shipped from Factory””, can we interpret as the timing when we carry equipment out of manufacturer’s factory Japan NOT Air/Sea shipment?”

Answer 107: Details of the project deliveries and payments will be negotiated during the contract negotiation phase before signing. Supplier is free to submit on alternative project plan and payment interval.

Question 108:  8.4 advance payment. We understand that the amount of the advance payment guarantee shall be 10% of the contract price, as we understand that the amount is based on the first payment schedule “”At contract award 10%””.
The advance payment guarantee will be returned to the contractor immediately when the amount of advance payment has been paid by EISCAT.

Is our understanding correct?

 Answer 108: Correct. Other payment schemes can be mentioned in the offer. Details will be negotiated in the contract negotiation phase.

Question 109:   11 Commercial secrecy. “EISCAT will thereafter conduct an independent examination of whether commercial secrecy in accordance with the above referenced law may be deemed to apply or not.”,

We understand that, in case EISCAT makes a decision that an information provided from us is subject to commercial secrecy, the information will not be open to any other parties. Please confirm if this understanding is correct.

Answer 109: Correct.

Question 110:    Contract draft 1.4 / ALOS 05, Clause 15. We understand that any kind other taxes other than VAT and costum duties, i.e., corporate income tax, withholding tax, Stamp duties ,etc. to be levied on EISCAT side (inside Norway and Sweden) to all concerned parties including ones for subcontractors will be borne by EISCAT. Please confirm if or not our understanding is correct.

Answer 110: Not correct. Delivery shall be in DDP terms and all taxes shall be included in to the fixed price offer.

Question 111:    Statement of Work / SOW 18. Is WBS mandatory? Can we submit an alternative management plan?

Answer 111: Supplier is free to submit an alternative plan.

Question 112:    Statement of Work / SOW 30. Will the described working meetings be held in the country of the contractor?

Answer 112: Place and time of meetings will be decided by the supplier. Can be also in form of teleconference.

Question 113:    Statement of Work / SOW 33. What work will EISCAT monitor to, specifically? And which Contractor’s activities will EISCAT participate to, specifically?

Answer 113: No specific requirements. Details will be decided during the contract negotiation phase.

Question 114:    Statement of Work / SOW 34. What quality review will EISCAT conduct to, specifically?

Answer 114: Details of reviews depends on the supplier and will be decided during the contract negotiation phase.

Question 115:    Statement of Work / SOW 88. “Is a contract for maintenance separated from the contract of this tender?
What level will be required in each support service?”

Answer 115: Yes. Maintenance contract will be done after delivery.

Question 116:    “Requirements Answer Template / 1.1 Positions
ALL prices are given in the same currency as stated above Item 4” Among “personnel expences” or “non-personnel expences, which one is reffered to?

Answer 116: We have usually two types here – a percentage add-on for non-personnel costs and a fixed, per hour, price for staff (can of course be more than one category, say junior, senior, project management)

Question 117:    “Requirements Answer Template / 1.1 Positions
Delivery dates” Here, how long is the assumed development time of the items per se, within the time of delivery of 9 months?

Answer 117: EISCAT has no requirements of development times.

Question 118:    

Requirements Answer Template / 2 Checklist for included material in the tender. “All tender material to be submitted by the deadline of the tender submission, 31st August are the following:
– “”Requirements Answer Template”” itself
– All documents listed in “”2 Checklist for incuded material in the tender”” in the requirement answer template.
– Three illustations listed in “”12.3 Proposed implementation”” in the “”Enquiry for Sub-Array transmitter System””

Please confirm this point, and if there is anything missing, please kindly point out. “

Answer 118: Correct.

Question 119:    About evaluation of the tender. Will the evaluation criteria (such as evaluation items, the propotion of technical and price scores, etc) be open before the submission of the tender?

Answer 119: “No this is an internal matter. We have though our rules, published on the web-site.

Question 120:    “3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION
3.5 Interfaces. Table 2?Control Data” “As for the sentense that sending status signals out to the Control Board,
what are the status signals? Are the status output required? And, what is the Control Board?
We could not find the definition of the Control Board in the TS for SAT.
In Figure 4, Status/Control line is connected to PSCU, but the direction is one way to TU. No output signal is found.”

Answer 120: No specific requirements for status signals. If status signals are available we like to receive them. Control board references to HW and middleware to be build after SAT design will be finalized. If LAN connection is provided, the control is feed directly to Sub-Array Computer without any additional HW.

Question 121:    SS_TU_01_03. Is it right that PSCUs are not included in 38 units?

Answer 121: PSCU development and manufacturing will be another procurement contract.

Question 122:    “SS_TU_01_12. SS_TU_02_10” “There are two different requirements for phase stability in SS_TU_01_12 and SS_TU_02_10. One is less than 10 degrees, the other 20 degrees.”

Answer 122: SS_TU_01_12 is from old requirements and not valid any more. Will be taken out from the TS.

Question 123:    SS_TU_01_13. The specification is satisfied when RF output is 500W, excluding power supplies and cooling fans.

Answer 123: Efficiency shall include also power supplies and cooling fans during nominal operation 500W peak and 25% duty cycle.

Question 124:    SS_TU_01_15. The instrument container can keep the ambient temperature within the specified range when maximum about 22kW heat is generated.

Answer 124: Yes. Container cooling system is designed for the nominal operation having SAT unit with at least 50% efficiency.

Question 125:    SS_TU_01_16. Does the word “excessive” mean out of specified performance or damage level.

Answer 125: This is to prevent damages to happen.

Question 126:    SS_TU_01_17 “When the reflection power excesses the specified level, what operation is needed to SSPA,
(1) continue the current operation
(2) continue the current operation and send error status signal
(3) stop operation and send error status signal
(4) stop operation”

Answer 126: EISCAT has no requirements for excesses reflection power detection. If it is needed to protect amplifier, ‘stop operation and send error status signal’ is preferred.

Question 127:    SS_TU_02_06 – 08. The specification is satisfied when RF output is 500W.

Answer 127: Yes to all.

Question 128:    SS_TU_02_09 Is 5% in voltage or in power?

Answer 128: Voltage drop.

Question 129:    SS_TU_02_14. “Requirement becomes harder by 10dB than that in Technical Description (Apr.2014). Is it possible to relax the specification to -40dB?”

Answer 129: Harmonics better than -40 dBc can be accepted but -50dBc is preferred.

Question 130:    SS_TU_02_19. Are 10% and 90% in voltage or in power?

Answer 130: Voltage

Question 131:    SS_TU_03_03. “This item was not required in Technical Description (Apr.2014). Is it possible to relax the specification to 2.5us?”

Answer 131: Yes, it can be relaxed to 2,5 us.

Question 132:    Protection capabilities. “Technical Description (Apr.2014) required:
too high current is drawn,
too much drive power is detected,
too high standing wave ratio.
Are they still required or not?”

Answer 132: Those are not required but device should be protected against full reflection from broken antenna.

Question 133:    Outputs signal. “Technical Description (Apr.2014) required
RF, status (excess temperature, excess reflected power, . . . ), sample RF signal (?30 dB). Are they still required or not?”

Answer 133: Those are not required but if exists there should be status signal out for any detected status change.

Question 134:    Linearity. “Technical Description (Apr.2014) required
50W to 500W (10 dB) linearity. Is it still required or not?”

Answer 134: Answer 103: Requirement SS_TU_02_03 will be added with linearity specification. Input signal is BPSK/QPSK having upto 2 Mboud symbol rate. Linear operation is expected in order to keep adjacent channels clean.

Question 135:    Primary power control “Which control on/off of primary power, supplier side or TU side? When TU controls primary power,
(1) Non Fuse Breaker (NFB) is sufficient, or
(2) Remote control is necessary by using relay switch?”

Answer 135: Power supply control can be integrated to the TU or it can be separated. NFBs for each of six racks will be installed in to the container electrical distribution box. Remote control for Power ON/OFF through LAN is preferred but is not required.

Question 136:    Lightening surge protection. Is the lightening surge protection necessary for TU?

Answer 136: Lightening protection towers will be installed so that no direct strike will hit antennas.

Question 137:    Rush current. “Is the rush current control necessary?
If yes, please clarify the performance of primary power supplies for rush current.”

Answer 137: TU units will be switch ON in sequences so no rush current control is required. From PS to possibly installed capacitors it’s in suppliers responsibility.

Question 138:    SOW 2 ” We need to clearly stipulate ‘Contractor’s obligations under the contract’.
· First of all, what is the scope of this contract? Does work after installation not included in this contract? Is it OK to just deliver to the site (on-the-car delivery)? Does the contract not include installation and adjustment work?
· How many design review meeting with EISCAT shoud we suppose? Where to do it?
· Are the factory test and site acceptance test required?
· Is the training necessary? If required, where is the places? How much the period?
· Does not this contract include the work of connecting with other subsystems or attendance to the witness inspection of the radio wave control office?”

Answer 138: Details of the contract will be negotiated during the contract negotiation phase. Scope of the contract is to deliver devices to the Site in Norway. Installation will be done by EISCAT personnel, if otherwise is not decided. If installation needs special  skills or equipment for tuning, it should be mentioned in the contract and a separated price should be given in the offer. FAT shall be included to the delivery. If training if needed it should be mentioned in offer. Most likely sufficient training can be given during one of the review meetings. Contract does not include installation or connection to the other units or negotiation with wave control office.

Question 139:    SOW 4.Standards are devided into two types, that is, public standards and corporation private standards. Before the provision of the private company standards, we’d like to conclude NDA between EISCAT and us. Is it acceptable to you?

Answer 139: EISCAT is willing to sign an NDA before contract negotiatons.

Question 140:   SOW 25. Should the progress meeting be held every month corresponding to the every Status Report? Will not it be enough to hold a progress meeting only when problems occur in progress?

Answer 140: EISCAT recommends to have a regular Skype, Zoom or other teleconference call at least monthly to check the status of the project.

Question 141:    SOW 29. As for the working meetings of every week, we think they will be held on the site after delivery. May we understand that SOW 29 is not applied to before delivery?

Answer 141: Not correct. In case problems occurs, EISCAT requires suppliers to be ready to have a conference call at least ones a week instead of normal ones in a month period.

Question 142:    SOW 30. Assuming the working meetings are held only during the field work. In the case of a telephone conference, we would like EISCAT to prepare your facility by your own. We will prepare our facility for us. In the case of local meetings, it may be possible to provide a working room or the like if the participants are not much.

Answer 142: There will not be any field work as installations will be done by EISCAT personnel. Working meetings are done during the design, manufacturing and test phases to ensure that working is advancing as expected.

Question 143:    SOW 60. We recognize the verification here as an act inside the factory, is it correct? And also, the cost for EISCAT’s participation in the verification is paid by EISCAT and not included in this contract, is it correct?

Answer 143: Correct. At minimum participation for the FAT is required. EISCAT will pay the participation of EISCAT staff for all reviews and tests. For most case a teleconference is possible and preferred.

Question 144:   SOW 78. We recognize the verification here as an act inside the factory, is it correct? And also, the cost for EISCAT’s participation in the verification in our factory is paid by EISCAT and not included in this contract, is it correct?

Answer 144: Correct. EISCAT will pay the participation of EISCAT staff for all reviews and tests. For most case a teleconference is possible and preferred.

Question 145:    SOW 79. What is ‘walkthrough’?

Answer 145: Overview

Question 146:    SOW 88 . Is it OK to assume the following conditions for the support services requested?
(a) We think the support services of ‘Integration with other subsystems’ is limited to connection work and test between equipment required to connect beforehand and designed to be connectable. Is it correct?
(b) As for maintenance, how long period and how much interval do you expected?
(c) As for repair, we basically assume it as send back repair. Is it acceptable?
(f) As for modifications, we basically assume it as send back modification. Is it acceptable?

Answer 146: (a) Correct, (b) This depends of the quality of the product and EISCAT can not estimate the need. Product life time is expected to be 15 years., (c ) Correct, (d) Correct.

Question 147:    SOW 97. Where is the delivery place? Is it correct that installation, adjustment at site, site acceptance test are not included in this contract? Is it correct that concatenation and verification with other subsystems after installation are not included in this contract? Do theses work will be separately undertaken from this contract as after services?

Answer 147: Delivery shall be made to Skibotn in Troms county, Norway. There is a main European road E8 close and the Site will be accessible by trucks. Yes, work will be done by EISCAT personel or supplier by hourly rate mentioned in the offer under a separated contract.

Question 148:    SOW 36. Is safety management related to safety of employees, or is it a request for risks of products to users?

Answer 148: It is related to working conditions of the employees.

Question 149:    7 Delivery address. Regarding the transportation of the items, could you confirm if required space in warehouse will be prepared by EISCAT to receive all items at one time for each phase at each site?

Answer 149: EISCAT will prepare enough of temporal storage for unloading and unpacking SAT items.

Question 150:    7 Delivery address. Regarding the transportation of the items, will machineries to unload the cargos from trucks at each site be provided from EISCAT? Or should the contractor prepare them?

Answer 150: EISCAT will be responsible to move pallets from trucks to the storage.

Question 151:    8.3. Envisaged payment schedule. Regarding the “Final Acceptance”, we understand that the acceptance is based on the delivery of the items, and the payment of the rest of the contract amount, 20%, will be done just after you receive delivery of the items from us, accordingly. Please kindly confirm this.
In case our understanding is incorrect, please make it clear what exactly the procedure of the final acceptance is?

Answer 152: At the site we will preform a test for the items and the final acceptance will be based on results. Test procedures will be made together with supplier.

Question 153:    Q/A No. 120, 133 “In the future EISCAT_3D radar operation and maintenance, how will the performance of the radar transmitter be monitored without SSPA status?
How will the failure of SSPA unit be detected, or identified without status?
If status is unnecessary, we will make an effort to improve efficiency, and reduce cost, instead of monitoring circuit to make status outputs.”

Answer 153: EISCAT_3D will have automatic daily calibration and verification measurements through calibration towers to check amplitude and phase of each Tx channel. Broken ones can be detected and replaced. Phase and amplitude correction tables are also updated.

Question 154:   Q/A No. 123 “We understand that efficiency is a very important item in the aspect of power consumption and runnning cost.
Initially, efficiency was required to SSPA device as shown in the Technical Description(Apr 2014).
“”excluding power supplies”” is also mentioned in the current specification(SS_TU_01_13).
At this moment, changing requirement causes severe development duty and risk not only of SSPA but also of power supply and cost in development and production of TU will be increased, drastically.
Is it possible to return back to the current specification(SS_TU_01_13) ?
And it is more desirable to specify the efficiency excluding cooling fans according to the original Technical Description(Apr 2014).”

Answer 154: Yes. Will go back to original 50% miminum and 60% preferably, exluding power supplies. Power supply efficiency shall be mentioned in the offer.

Question 155:    About technical requirement. “Are there any requirements on sound noise?
There may be high level fan noise in the container when many TUs are in operation.”

Answer 155: No requirements for the noise level. During the operation no personel is present near the array.

Question 156:    Q/A No. 146 “What does “”Product life time”” mean?
1) period in radar operation
2) maintenance support period
3) parts suppliable period
4) MTBF (of System, TU, or SSPA)
What performance is required to each equipment of EISCAT_3D radar?”

Answer 156: For electronics EISCAT expects 15 years life time and during that time EISCAT shall have access to the spare parts or replaceable items.

Question 157:    Q/A No. 151, 152.  Can we understand that the final test at site is just a visual test performed upon each delivery since the contract is for only supply of the items?
Does the supplier have to join the test at the site?
If we have to join the test, should we take initiative for the test or should be just present at the scene of test?
In that case, how many days do you assume that we have to participate the test on EISCAT’s site?

Answer 157: Site tests for SAT devices will be done by the EISCAT personnel. Procedures will be defined together with supplier.

Question 158:   SS_TU_02_13 „Groupdelay shall be better than 500 ps over the 1 dB frequency bandwidth“. We understand the requirement as the difference of the delay of 231.5 MHz to 235.5 MHz (? = d?(f)/df).

 Answer 158:  Correct.

Question 159:   SS_TU_03_02: “Switching time shall be faster than 2 µs” and  SS_TU_03_04: “Switching delay from TR control signal to receive or transmit state shall be less than 10 µs”. Does switching time mean a one-time switch or a back and forth? Is the switching time of 2 µs included in the 10 µs?.

 Answer 159:  There are two different number:

1. 10 us time from input signal to actual one-time state change. This is not critical as far as all units behave in consistent and predictable way.

2. 2.5 us is referring to transition time between states. This is time when radar is not operational and should be small.

We were asked to relax 2.0 to 2.5 us witch is fine for us.

Question 160:   SS_TU_04_01 „SAT shall be operated through one or more control interfaces, which can be either … “. We understand the requirement that the SAC is connected via LAN or „Differential serial data” to the TU.  Are the control interfaces of the SSPA grouped together as one interface per TU? Do the SSPAs have to be switched on and off individually or can all SSPAs of a TU be switched on or off with a command?

 Answer 160: We would prefer one LAN controlling one TU (8 to 32 SSPA) but we can accept other solutions also. It’s up to supplier to provide interface and instructions how to control the TU.  In case of broken channel it should be possible to switch each SSPA individually ON / OFF or ENABLE / DISABLE. 

—–    End of E3DS1 SAT questions and answers phase    —–