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EISCAT Sodankylä
EISCAT Sodankylä. Photo by Craig Heinseman

The Sodankylä Radar Receiving Site consists of a receiving facility and is located near Sodankylä, Finland. Originally a part of the EISCAT UHF system, this receiver has been converted to receive the VHF frequency.

The antenna is a fully steerable 32 meter parabolic dish antenna. The receivers include multiple channels. Data are pre-processed in signal processors, displayed and analysed in real-time and can be recorded to mass storage media both locally and at the main storage facility. The whole radar system is controlled by computers, and can be remotely commanded from the other radar sites.

The instrumentation is located in an operations building. The land and building are provided by the University of Oulu, which rents both the land and building (in-kind contribution by Finland) from the Finnish state building administration (Senaatti-kiinteistöt).