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Amendments and additions


EDITION 2021 of the BlueBook published


Agreed changes

AGREEMENT Appendix 4 revision (Council decision May 2021)

Council decided at its May 2021 meeting to revise the Ownership and Timeshare formula included in Appendix 4 of the Agreement. The revised appendix can be found here.


The tables in Appendices 2 – 4 of the Bluebook have been updated to include the latest data: 2021 updated tables


Agreed changes

STATUTES article 6.a amendment (Council decision November 2020):

6. The Director
a. The Director is appointed, and can be dismissed, by the Council.
i. The Director position shall always be openly announced. The Council is responsible for ensuring that the announcement is made public 18 months prior to the start of employment as Director. The announcement shall be made through sufficiently high profile and relevant media and other channels to ensure a wide reaching and international recruitment exercise. Prior to the start of the recruitment process, and before the appointment decision is made, Council members must declare potential conflicts of interests.
ii. The Council shall appoint an evaluation committee with the responsibility to evaluate, interview and rank the most promising candidates. The findings are reported to Council who selects the final candidate for contract negotiations.
iii. The Chairperson of Council is responsible for negotiating the employment contract with the selected candidate. Council is responsible for approving the final contract.
iv. In the event that the recruitment process is not successful, the Council can appoint an interim director or prolong the term of the acting Director for a limited period up to one year.

FINANCIAL RULES 19.1 amendment (Council decision November 2020):

19. Personnel Administration
19.1 The Chairperson of Council is responsible for negotiating employment contracts to be concluded with the Director and shall, after approval by Council, sign such contracts on behalf of the Council. An incoming Director is appointed for up to five years and the contract may include a severance pay scheme. A Director can be reappointed, after an open recruitment process, for one* additional up to five-year term.
Plus a footnote * Rule introduced for incoming Director’s starting after 2022.


The tables in Appendices 2 – 4 of the Bluebook have been updated to include the latest data: 2020 updated tables



The tables in Appendices 2 – 4 of the Bluebook have been updated to include the latest data: 2019 updated tables



On 1 April 2018, the United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI) took over all property, rights and liablities from National Environment Research Council (NERC), the EISCAT UK Associate. All agreements etc, will gradually be updated to include this change.

The tables in Appendices 2 – 4 of the Bluebook have been updated to include the latest data: 2018 updated tables


In 2011 An updated BlueBook was published (Edition 2011)

In 2007 the Agreement was substantially updated and a new Bluebook was published (Edition 2008)

When Japan joined in 1996, the Agreement was amended (1 April 1996). At that time (as well as before), the Agreement and Statutes had also French versions (Convention, Statuts)

The 1975 Agreement was valid until 1996. The agreement, its statutes and other supplemental documents became later compiled in a governing rules book, the Bluebook. The Bluebook had several updates, for instance (December 1983)

A copy of the first EISCAT Agreement can be found in the 1976 Annual Report

Old documents summary