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EISCAT Health and Safety

This section describes the Health and Safety Plan for EISCAT. The plan covers both EISCAT staff and contractors.

The basis of the EISCAT Health and Safety can be summarised as:

Health and Safety Guidelines
Health and Safety Guidelines


EISCAT Headquarters is located in Sweden, and has its own staff, whereas the site staff at the EISCAT installations in Finland, Norway and Sweden are provided by the host organisations in each country respectively. The host organisations and contractors are responsible for that their personnel complies with safety regulations, codes of practice and project instructions in force.

The local site leaders report to the host organisation in all matters concerning safety regulations, and the host organisation reports incidents to EISCAT Headquarters. Headquarters´staff report to his/her immediate supervisor which in turn reports to the EISCAT Director. Contractors report to their management which thereafter reports to Headquarters.

Mitigation principles

To minimize risk and hazardous incidents, contractors, EISCAT and host organisations will always make sure that health and safety are considered in all plans including identifying hazards and assess risks. After each incident, the staff, local employers and EISCAT will evaluate the accident and implement any changes to work-practices, etc. to reduce the risk that incidents of such kind would happen again.

Reporting incidents

For reporting mishaps, incididents and accidents, the EISCAT Incident Report is to be used.

The full EISCAT Health and Safety Plan can be found here.