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The EISCAT Director

The current EISCAT Director is Dr. Axel Steuwer, born in 1971, Germany. Dr. Steuwer took over as director January 1st. 2023. Dr. Steuwer succeeds the former director Dr. Craig Heinselman, who held the position for 10 years.

Dr. Steuwer has a MSc degree in Physics from Cologne University, Germany, and a PhD degree in Materials Science from Cambridge University, UK, and more than 20 years of experience working at or for several international large-scale scientific infrastructures. Most recently as the Director of Research Support Services at University of Malta.

Director responsibilities

The Director is appointed, and can be dismissed, by the EISCAT Council. The Director shall execute the decisions of the Council, manage the financial affairs in accordance with agreed policy of the Association and sign all legal instruments, unless binding signature is reserved to the Council or one of its members, either by these rules or, in exceptional cases, by decision of the Council. The Director is responsible for all administrative and commercial aspects of the Association. The Director may by written authorization delegate the power to members of the staff endorsed by Council.

In short:

  • the Director shall assume legal and financial responsibility for the management of the facilities and staff of the Association.
  • the Director shall implement the decisions of the Council.
  • the Director will nominate an appropriate deputy, approved by Council, to act on his/her behalf in cases of urgency.
  • the Director, where appropriate in consultation with the Administrative and Finance Committee, shall submit to the Council each year:
    • an annual report of the Association’s activities during the previous financial year, including a statement of the time the facilities have operated, and an analysis of the sharing of observation time,
    • a summary of scientific highlights as supplied by the Scientific Advisory Committee,
    • the final accounts for the previous financial year,
    • a report on the financial position for the current financial year,
    • an itemized budget for the following financial year, including an estimate of receipts together with a staff complement plan and estimates of resources required for the following five years.
  • the Director shall be responsible for implementing the budget approved by the Council according to the Council’s instructions.
  • the Director shall be responsible for the day-to-day scheduling of the scientific programme.
  • the Director shall represent the Association in court and in all civil affairs unless otherwise decided by the Council.

Read more in the EISCAT Bluebook