New recruitment for the position as staff scientist

  New recruitments, Vacancy

New staff scientist

We have a new staff scientist joining the EISCAT team at Headquarters in Kiruna, Dr. Maria Mihalikova.
Maria comes form Slovakia and grew up in Ivanka pri Dunaji near Bratislava. She has a master’s degree in physics with a focus on meteorology and climatology from Comenius University in Bratislava and a PhD in Space Technology from the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF).
After working for a number of years as an aviation meteorologist at the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute, Maria started her doctoral studies in the Polar Atmospheric Research Program at IRF in Kiruna in 2009. In 2013 Maria got her Phd.
“I am excited to be back here in Kiruna. After my PhD studies, I spent some time in Japan and back home in Slovakia, but I always missed northern nature.
I love the surroundings of Kiruna as well as the people living here. It is a unique opportunity to do engaging work in a great environment and, I am looking forward to the new challenges it’ll provide.”
We are happy to welcome Maria to our team!