Raw data dumps
ESR data format
Data is recorded in the matlab4 data format and consists of several blocks:
- the experiment info, d_ExpInfo (ASCII string)
- the antenna parameters (see below), d_parbl (32 bit reals)
- the data, d_data (2×32 bit complex reals)
- the raw samples (not always present), d_raw (216 bit complex integers)
d_parbl |
Entry |
Value |
Introduced |
1 | Dump end year | |
2 | Dump end month | |
3 | Dump end days | |
4 | Dump end hours | |
5 | Dump end minutes | |
6 | Dump end seconds | |
7 | Integration time, sec | |
8 | Combined output power, W | |
9 | Elevation, degrees | |
10 | Azimuth, degrees | |
11 | Dump end time, secs since 1970 | |
12 | Dump sequence number | |
13 | % power tx1 klystron a (of 62.5 kW) | |
14 | % power tx1 klystron b | |
15 | % power tx2 klystron a | |
16 | % power tx2 klystron b | |
17 | % power tx3 klystron a | |
18 | % power tx3 klystron b | |
19 | % power tx4 klystron a | |
20 | % power tx4 klystron b | |
21 | Noise injection calibration, K | |
22 | Pre-integration factor | |
23 | % power tx5 klystron a | |
24 | % power tx5 klystron b | |
25 | % power tx6 klystron a | |
26 | % power tx6 klystron b | |
27 | % power tx7 klystron a | |
28 | % power tx7 klystron b | |
29 | % power tx8 klystron a | |
30 | % power tx8 klystron b | |
31 | rx frequency, channel 1 (MHz) | 1999-08-19 |
32 | rx frequency, channel 2 (MHz) | 1999-08-19 |
33 | rx frequency, channel 3 (MHz) | 1999-08-19 |
34 | rx frequency, channel 4 (MHz) | 1999-08-19 |
35 | rx frequency, channel 5 (MHz) | 1999-08-19 |
36 | rx frequency, channel 6 (MHz) | 1999-08-19 |
37 | rx frequency, channel 7 (MHz) | 1999-08-19 |
38 | rx frequency, channel 8 (MHz) | 1999-08-19 |
39 | rx frequency, channel 9 (MHz) | 1999-08-19 |
40 | d_parbl version number | 1999-11-12 |
41 | antenna ID (1-6) | 1999-11-12 |
42 | Remote antenna intersection range, m | 2003-02-28 |
43-62 | User parameters | 2003-07-23 |
63 | High voltage reading (V) | 2003-09-01 |
64 | Loop counter | 2004-02-01 |
65 | Peak power read from wave guide UHF system (W) | 2004-02-20 |
66 | RF duty cycle read from wave guide UHF system | 2004-03-20 |