nr_stc=2; % We have two STC in the tlan file
% Channel one
% We will do 128 subcycles
vec_len=505; % A total of 505 samples is taken in each IPP
sub_vec_len=505;% We will use all samples for calculations
data_start=0; % Data starts at position 0 in channel boards memory
max_lag=0; % Calculate an power profile
nr_loops=128; % We are dealing with 128 code cycles
nr_rep=10; % We will do 10 rep for one integration cycle (5.05 s)
res_mult=10; % We will do 10 data slice
res_save=1; % Save the raw data for later use
send_raw=1; % send raw data to server and do the calculations there
ad_dc_rem=1; % Use clutter subtraction
nr_clutter_samp=150; % do the clutter subtraction on the first 150
% samples in each code set
% Note, due to the layout of the clutter subtraction we need to have an
% even numbers of nr_rep as we are doing clutter subtraction from complete
% code set to another
type=4; % We will to fir:ed decoding
% We will do 128 subcycles
vec_len=505; % We will take 505 samples in each IPP
sub_vec_len=505;% We will use all of these samples for each IPP
% Each subcycle will have 4 baud code
fir_len=4; % Text file with fir coefficients for decoding
nr_fir_passes=16;% We will decode the whole IPP
data_start=0; % Where data is found in channel board memory
% Do 15 lags 24 us apart
max_lag=6630; % Number of lags will be (max_lag/lag_incr)
lag_incr=442; % lag_incr is sub_vec_len-fir_len+1-(fir_passes-1)*code_len
nr_loops=128; % Number codes for a complete set
nr_rep=10; % We will have 10 complete code set for an integration period
res_mult=10; % 10 time slice for the output
res_use=1; % Use the same raw data as saved before
send_raw=1; % Do the calculations in server
ad_dc_rem=1; % Do clutter subtraction
nr_clutter_samp=150; % Do clutter subtraction on the first 150 samples
% Channel two
% Calibration channel
% Background channel
# arc_slice.elan
# EROS3 script for arc_slice experiment.
# Versions: 1.00 Initial version, June 2002
# 13-June-2002 AW
proc arc_slice { azim elev } {
set Antenna 32m
set Azim $azim ;# These values will go to parameter block
set Elev $elev ;#
# Definitions
set XDIR /kst/eros4/exp/arc_slice
set FIR /kst/eros4/fir
set Expname "arc_slice"
set Expid "kst0 arc_slice 1.00"
set Corrfile $XDIR/$Expname.fil
set Iper_us 5050000
set Filter $FIR/w83d60.fir ;# +-80kHz filter for 6 usec sampling
set TxFrq $XDIR/$Expname.frq
set NCO1 $XDIR/ch1_arc_slice.nco
set NCO2 $XDIR/ch2_arc_slice.nco
# Actual work
# Stop receiver --
SYNC -10
stopradar -rec
stopradar -trans
# Load radar controller --
loadexciter $TxFrq
loadradar rec -loopc 5 -sync 4000 -file $XDIR/${Expname}_esr.rbin -prog1 0
;# 10 <==> for 5.05 sec integration period
loadradar trans -loopc 5 -sync 4000 -file $XDIR/${Expname}_esr.tbin -prog1 0
# Load filters --
loadfilter $Filter ch1,2
# Set frequencies --
loadfrequency $NCO1 ch1
loadfrequency $NCO2 ch2
# Start radar controllers --
armradar rec -prog1
armradar trans -prog1
startradar EXPSTART 5.00
# Start data access ---------------------------------------------------------
startdata $Corrfile $Expid $Iper_us $Antenna
# Start recording ------------------------------------------------------------
# Infinite loop, to be keep the experiment alive ---------------------------
DO -1 {
DISP "[TimeStamp now -noyear] -- $Expname running
arc_slice 180 90.0
# /kst/eros4/exp/tau0/600/tau0 6.00
# Frequency file for the exciter
# Machine generated - do not edit by hand
# 07-Jun-2002 21:03:13
0 0 500950000000 # IF = 6.55
frq(4) EISCAT file format Documentation frq(4)
frq - frequency files for the ESR
This file is the description of the frequencies that will be
downloaded to the ESR exciter by the loadxc program.
The program will ignore lines beginning with # or empty
Each remaining line will consist of three numbers, separated
by blanks, which represent the unit, location and frequency,
respectively. The unit will be 0, 1, 2 or 3, and represents
which of the independent Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS)
units that will use this particular frequency. location
will be from 0 to 15, and says which of the 16 pre-
programmed frequencies (for each unit) we're defining.
frequency is the requested transmit freqency in mHz. The
transmitter center frequency will be 500000000000. The
maximum accuracy of the DDS running on 60 MHz is 14 mHz.
These lines are taken from the gup0 frequency file. Only
the first few locations of each unit is used, and only those
lines are shown.
0 0 498875000000
0 1 499625000000
0 2 501500000000
0 3 500000000000
1 0 500125000000
1 1 500625000000
1 2 501500000000
1 3 500000000000
2 0 499375000000
2 1 499875000000
2 2 501500000000
2 3 500000000000
3 0 500375000000
3 1 500875000000
3 2 501500000000
3 3 500000000000
3 15 500000000000
EISCAT Last change: 97/03/08 1
frq(4) EISCAT file format Documentation frq(4)
Previous versions of the frequency file had several more
coloumns of numbers. These coloumns are no longer read.
EISCAT Last change: 97/03/08 2
% ch1_arc-u
NCO 1 6.55
# steffe.elan
# Ion line DSP
# CH1 0-382 Zero lag Signal 368 points and 15 points noise inj.
# CH1 383-21675 368 points signal 35 lags frac. 6 30 clutter samp.
# CH2 21676-22135 460 samples background
# CH3 22136-22427 Zero lag 77 + 200 +15 points noise inj
# CH3 22428-25249 77 points signal E region max lag 31 frac. 2 clutter samp. 30
# CH3 25250-30216 200 points signal high F max lag 16 frac. 2 clutter samp. 0
# Plasma line DSP
# CH1 0-127 128 points FFT 0.6 us sampling at 4 MHz upshifted plasma line
# CH1 128-255 128 points FFT 0.6 us sampling at 4 MHz upshifted plasma line
# CH1 256-383 128 points FFT 0.6 us sampling at 5.3 MHz upshifted plasma line
# CH1 384-511 128 points FFT 0.6 us sampling at 5.3 MHz upshifted plasma line
# CH5 512-639 128 points FFT 0.6 us sampling at 4 MHz downshifted plasma line
# CH5 640-767 128 points FFT 0.6 us sampling at 4 MHz downshifted plasma line
# CH5 768-895 128 points FFT 0.6 us sampling at 5.3 MHz downshifted plasma line
# CH5 896-1023 128 points FFT 0.6 us sampling at 5.3 MHz downshifted plasma line
# channel ch1,ch2 and ch3 operated at 16 us sampling and ch1 plasma line DSP at 0.6 us
# E region range coverage: Lowest partial decoded range gate 36 km, fully decoded 105 km,
# highest decoded 216 km
# F region range coverage: Lowest partial decoded range gate 45 km, fully decoded 259 km,
# highest decoded 924 km
# F high region coverage: Lowest partial decoded range gate at 490 km, fully decoded 559 km,
# highest decoded 965 km
block steffe {{Scan fixed} {Owner CP}} {
# select data disk
#mount /data
#mount /data2
set Invert no
set Expname "steffe
set Version 1.40 ; # New version with plasma line reinstalled 5/1 2004
set Site "l
set Int 6.4
set Expid "kst0 ${Expname}${Site}_${Scan}_${Version}_${Owner}
set XDIR /kst/exp/${Expname}_new_plasma
set CORR $XDIR/${Expname}.fil
set CORR_PLASMA $XDIR/${Expname}_plasma.fil
set FIR /kst/dsp/fir
set SCAN_FILE /kst/exp/scans/esr/${Scan}_pattern.elan
set RBIN32 $XDIR/${Expname}@32m_ionesr.rbin
set RBINPLASMA32 $XDIR/${Expname}@32m_plasmaesr.rbin
set RBIN42 $XDIR/${Expname}@42m_ionesr.rbin
set TBIN32 $XDIR/${Expname}@32m_esr.tbin
set TBIN42 $XDIR/${Expname}@42m_esr.tbin
set NCO1 $XDIR/ch1_${Expname}.nco
set NCO2 $XDIR/ch2_${Expname}.nco
set NCO3 $XDIR/ch3_${Expname}.nco
set NCOPLASMA1 $XDIR/ch1_${Expname}_plasma.nco
# Load scan definition file
source $SCAN_FILE
# Timing
if { ${Int} == 3.2 } {
set Iper_sec 3.2
set Loops 5
} else {
set Iper_sec 6.4
set Loops 10
set Syncs 2400
# Filters, frequencies
set TXFRQ $XDIR/${Expname}.frq
set Freq(ch1) 10.375 ;# signal block I
set Freq(ch2) 10.750 ;# gain block I
set Freq(ch3) 10.625 ;# signal block II
set Filter $FIR/b31d240.fir ;# +-31 filter for 16 usec sampling
set Filter1_plasma $FIR/w600d6.fir ;# +-600 filter for 0.6 usec sampling
set Iper_us [expr round($Iper_sec*1000000)]
set Expfiles [list $XDIR/$Expname.elan $SCAN_FILE $CORR $CORR_PLASMA \
$XDIR/${Expname}@32m.tlan $XDIR/${Expname}@42m.tlan $XDIR/rtg_def.m \
$NCO1 $NCO2 $NCO3 $NCOPLASMA1 $Filter $Filter1_plasma $TXFRQ ]
# Actual work
# Stop receiver --
SYNC -20.0
stopradar all
stopdata all
# Load radar controllers
loadradar ion -file $RBIN42 -prog1 0 -loops $Loops -sync $Syncs
loadradar ion -file $RBIN32 -prog2 4096 -loops $Loops -sync $Syncs
## loadradar pla -file $RBIN32 -prog1 0 -loops $Loops -sync $Syncs
loadradar pla -file $RBINPLASMA32 -prog1 0 -loops $Loops -sync $Syncs
loadradar tra -file $TBIN42 -prog1 0 -loops $Loops -sync $Syncs
loadradar tra -file $TBIN32 -prog2 4096 -loops $Loops -sync $Syncs
# Load filters --
loadfilter ion $Filter ch1,2,3,4 ; # Load the ion line DSP box
loadfilter pla $Filter1_plasma ch1,5; # Load the plasma line DSP box
# Frequencies --
setfrequency ch1 $Freq(ch1)
setfrequency ch2 $Freq(ch2)
setfrequency ch3 $Freq(ch3)
loadexciter $TXFRQ
loadfrequency ion $NCO1 ch1 ; # Load nco file to ion line in ch1-3
loadfrequency ion $NCO2 ch2
loadfrequency ion $NCO3 ch3
loadfrequency pla $NCOPLASMA1 ch1,5 ; # Load nco file to plasma line in ch1,5
# Start radar controllers --
SYNC 10.0
armradar rec -prog2 ; # Let the ion line radar controller waitr for start
armradar pla -prog1 ; # Let the plasma line radar controller wait for start
armradar tra -prog2 ; # Let the transmitter radar controller wait for start
startradar EXPSTART $Iper_sec
SYNC 2.0
# Data access
startdata ion $CORR $Expid $Iper_us 32m ; # Load the proper DSP file for ion line
startdata pla $CORR_PLASMA $Expid $Iper_us ; # Load the proper DSP file for plasma line
writeexperimentfile $Expfiles
SYNC 4.0
disablerecording all
# Antenna loop
pointdirection 181.0 81.6
if { $Invert == "yes" } {
callblock ${Scan}_pattern $Iper_sec "inverted
} else {
callblock ${Scan}_pattern $Iper_sec
};# main
eval callblock steffe [argv]