WP4: Outreach activities

Summary of all information related to WP4

In order for EISCAT_3D to be successful, it is imperative that the project should establish and maintain a strong outreach activity, addressing the provision of publicity information to the general public, opinion-formers, and particularly aiming at the students and young people who will form the next generation of EISCAT users.

The requirements of the various stakeholder groups with whom we need to liaise will demand a variety of different approaches – the type of material we would produce for a local community, for example, is very different from the kind that would be required by a potential future industrial partner. This Work Package incorporates the development and updating of a range of publicity materials, including a comprehensive project web site, facing both inward – to provide an effective medium for the dissemination of information within the consortium, and outward – to make publicity material available to governments, prospective new users and new project partners. Other publicity media will include written material (fliers and reports), audio-visual productions (short films), project-related lectures and practical educational activities.

This Work Package enables us to maintain the project web site to a high standard whilst also preparing a range of other publicity material appropriate to the different kinds of audiences we need to address. These outputs will enable the project participants to give presentations in a range of different contexts. In order to fulfil these requirements, this Work Package will interface closely with all of the other work package leaders to ensure that their publicity and outreach needs are fulfilled.

The objectives of the Work Package are as follows:

Establish and maintain a project website for both internal and external use.
Produce an outreach plan for the project.
Produce and maintain a list of contacts who can advise about potential funding opportunities in the countries interested in EISCAT_3D, and consult them regularly.
Develop a range of EISCAT_3D publicity materials targeted at (a) national/regional governments and research councils, (b) local communities and the general public, (c) students and schools.
Produce and maintain a set of documents which can be used as components of further funding proposals, allowing proposals to be constructed quickly when opportunities arise.
Produce regularly updated presentations on the status of the project and the projected future activities, and participate in giving such presentations as well as helping the other project participants to present such material.
EISCAT Scientific Association will be responsible for this Work Package, interacting with all the other members of the consortium.

Note that access to Deliverable 4.3: Initial list of contact persons in funding and policy organisations is only available to participants of the EISCAT_3D Preparatory Phase project.


Deliverable 4.1: Define and upgrade project web site

February 25, 2011
This deliverable consists of the present web-site (www.eiscat3d.se). The project website has been put on-line and has been populated with initial project material for both internal and external audiences.

Deliverable 4.2: Outreach plan for EISCAT_3D

March 23, 2011
This is the initial outreach plan for EISCAT_3D. The purpose of this plan is to define the various types of material that need to be produced in order to publicise the EISCAT_3D project, the priority order in which this material should be produced and to also identify the various different audiences which the project needs to address. The outreach plan is a living document and as such it will be maintained and continuously updated as the project moves forward.

Deliverable 4.4: Outreach materials

February 29, 2012
A range of publicity material is prepared following the initial outreach plan (Deliverable 4.2).

This Deliverable (Deliverable 4.4) is the initial library of such material.

Deliverable 4.5: Material for funding applications

November 26, 2012
One of the tasks in this Work Package is to produce and maintain a set of documents which can be used as components of further funding proposals, allowing proposals to be constructed quickly when opportunities arise.

Deliverable 4.5 is the initial library of such material (project descriptions, objectives, strategy documents, system details) to provide raw material for future project funding applications.

This first set of material was produced in connection to the large research infrastructure funding application that was submitted in October 2012 to the Norwegian Research Council.

The initial set of material can also be found at: www.eiscat3d.se/status2012


Milestone 4.1: New project web-site launched

February 23, 2011
It is important for the EISCAT_3D Preparatory Phase project to have a web-site in order to provide a fast and reliable source of news from the project. The specific EISCAT_3D web-site (www.eiscat3d.se) has existed since early 2009, but has been updated to facilitate for the needs of the EISCAT_3D Preparatory Phase project. This update is what constitutes Milestone 4.1.

The maintenance of the website is handled by EISCAT Headquarters, but the relevant material can be produced by anybody internal or external to the project. The headline items at the web-site are shared through an RSS-feed. The web-site should contain everything related to the project, which means background information, relevant documents, information about the progress of the project and so on.

The web-site will also function as a repository of Deliverables and Milestones from the project, so that these are readily available for the general public as well as for participants of the project.

This Milestone was reached in December 2010.

Milestone 4.2: Initial library of outreach materials ready

February 29, 2012
A range of publicity material is prepared following the initial outreach plan (Deliverable 4.2). The initial library of this material is Deliverable 4.4, and the completion of this library constitutes this Milestone.

The Milestone was reached in February 2014. The material existed before that time, but this is the date the formal report was submitted.

Milestone 4.3: Initial library of funding application materials ready

November 26, 2012
One of the tasks in this Work Package is to produce and maintain a set of documents which can be used as components of further funding proposals, allowing proposals to be constructed quickly when opportunities arise.

This first set of material (Deliverable 4.5) was produced in connection to the large research infrastructure funding application that was submitted in October 2012 to the Norwegian Research Council. Thus, this Milestone was reached in October 2012.


Documents related to WP4 can be found in our external library.

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