Summary of all information related to WP3
November 10, 2010
In order to secure the greatest possible number of users for EISCAT_3D, strenuous efforts are required to extend the user base beyond the existing EISCAT user community. The extended user community must reflect the increased capabilities of EISCAT_3D and fulfil the requirement to maximise the impact of the new infrastructure. This Work Package covers all those activities needed to engage with the new users whose activities will come within the scope of the enhanced facility.
More than simply contacting new users, a key activity will be gathering their requirements for the science topics that they will address, and the different types of new experiment which they would like to run. These, in turn, need to feed into the design and implementation of the new infrastructure. This Work Package covers the gathering of these requirements, the continuous updating of the Science Case and its tensioning against the capabilities of the new radar, as they become progressively more well-defined. The activity will be coordinated by a working group with a rolling membership so that, during the course of its existence, the full range of potential users can be represented. In addition, two workshops will be held, targeted at specific groups. These different methods of user engagement will allow us to exploit the skills and expertise of the Associate Partners in EISCAT_3D.
The detailed objectives are as follows:
- Identification of contact persons/groups in neighbouring communities and discussions about new applications of EISCAT_3D. Formation of a science working group comprising existing EISCAT users and scientists wishing to use EISCAT_3D for these new applications.
- First revision of the EISCAT_3D science case and assessment of implications for the Performance Specification Document. If necessary, changes to the
- Performance Specification Documentation to ensure that the new applications can be factored into the EISCAT_3D design.
- Regular rotation of the working group, so that it continuously brings in new people and ideas, providing regular feedback into the evolving science case and system specification.
- Organisation of targeted workshops designed to bring together existing EISCAT users with new users in the atmospheric science and space weather communities.
- Final versions of the EISCAT_3D science case and performance specification which fully reflect the combined demands of the expanded user community.
Note that access to Deliverable 3.1 (List of contacts in prospective new EISCAT_3D user communities) is only available to participants of the EISCAT_3D Preparatory Phase project.
Deliverable 3.2: Initial revision of the EISCAT_3D Science Case
This is the first revision of the EISCAT_3D Science Case.
Deliverable 3.3: First Annual Report on WP3 activities
December 16, 2011
The first Annual Report on WP3 activities describes what has been done within the framework of Work Package 3 during the first year of the project. It also contains a summary of the first user engagement workshop and the current version of the EISCAT_3D Science Case as well as the WP3 input into other work packages in the project such as WP2 (legal and logistical issues), WP11 (Software development), WP12 (System control) and WP13 (data segment).
Deliverable 3.4: Second annual report on WP3 activities
December 18, 2012
The second Annual Report on WP3 activities describes the activities in Work Package 3 of the EISCAT_3D Preparatory Phase project during the second year of the project. These activities include the second iteration of the Science Working Group, an EISCAT_3D workshop dedicated to space weather and modelling communities and an update of the EISCAT_3D Science Case.
Deliverable 3.5: Third annual report on WP3 activities
February 11, 2014
The third annual report on WP3 activities describes the activities in Work Package 3 of the EISCAT_3D Preparatory Phase project during the third year of the project (October 2012 – September 2013). These activities include the third iteration of the Science Working Group and their meetings, the 5th EISCAT_3D User Meeting and other activities.
Deliverable 3.6: Final version of the EISCAT_3D science case
July 3, 2014
This is the final revision of the EISCAT_3D Science Case.
Milestone 3.1: Establishment of the initial version of the Science Working Group
February 23, 2011
The first aim of Work Package 3 was to establish an initial set of members for the Science Working Group. This group combines existing EISCAT users with members of other science communities so that during the lifetime of the study this Work Package will be able to cover all of the science themes which EISCAT_3D will be capable to address. The formation of this group is Milestone 3.1.
The initial members of the Science Working Group are:
Dr. Anita Aikio (University of Oulu, Finland, co?convenor)
Dr. Ian McCrea (STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab., UK, co?convenor)
Dr. Yasanobu Ogawa (National Institute of Polar Research, Japan)
Prof. Kjellmar Oksavik (UNIS, Norway)
Prof. Asta Pellinen?Wannberg (IRF Kiruna, Sweden)
Dr. Mark Clilverd (British Antarctic Survey, UK)
Prof. Markus Rapp (IAP Kühlungsborn, Germany)
This Milestone was reached in November 2010.
Milestone 3.2: Workshop to publicise the potential of EISCAT_3D to the middle and lower atmosphere community
June 20, 2011
The first day of the third EISCAT_3D Users Meeting (18-20 May 2011 in Uppsala) was dedicated to atmospheric science and the possibilities that EISCAT_3D may provide.
This workshop is Milestone 3.2 of the EISCAT_3D Preparatory Phase project.
This Milestone was reached in May 2011.
Milestone 3.3: Workshop to publicise the potential of EISCAT_3D to the applications and modelling communities
June 4, 2012
The first day of the fourth EISCAT_3D Users Meeting (23-25 May 2012 in Uppsala) was focused on space weather and modelling, and how EISCAT_3D could contribute.
This workshop is Milestone 3.3 of the EISCAT_3D Preparatory Phase project.
This Milestone was reached in May 2012.
Documents related to WP3 can be found in our external library.