EOSC-hub project

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eosc-hub-web2EOSC-hub project

The EOSC-hub project started on 01 January,  was officially recently launched. The project brings together 100 partners, EISCAT is one of them, from more than 50 countries and will develop the vision of the Hub as the integration and management system of the future European Open Science Cloud.

The EOSC-hub project mobilises providers from the EGI Federation, EUDAT CDI, INDIGO-DataCloud and other major European research infrastructures to deliver a common catalogue of research data, services and software for research.

Read the full announcement here: http://eosc-hub.eu/eosc-hub-integrated-services-european-open-science-cloud. A website is being built and will be ready in a while. You can also follow @EOSC_eu in Twitter or in LinkedIn.