The site buildings in both Skibotn and Karesuvanto are now being built. The contractor, Artra Oy, Finland, has focused on getting them roofed before winter comes.

The photo shows the back side of the main building in Skibotn (the EISCAT3D Norwegian site). Next to it is one of the two transformer buildings built before. Photo: 30 September 2021, EISCAT-CH

Main building at the EISCAT3D site in Finland, 30 September 2021. Photo: EISCAT-CH

Garage/storage building at the EISCAT3D site in Finland, 30 September 2021. Photo: EISCAT-CH
In Kaiseniemi, groundworks are ongoing. Provided weather permits, the building-works will start also in Sweden as soon as the site area has been flattened.

Groundworks in Kaiseniemi (the Swedish EISCAT3D site). Photo: 29 September 2021, EISCAT-JS