Status report from EISCAT3D installation


Status report from EISCAT3D installation

The installation of EISCAT3D antenna units is still ongoing. The installation team report that 109 of 119 antenna units in Skibotn, Norway are in place. 55 of 55 are in place in Kaiseniemi, Sweden and about half of 54 in Karesuanto, Finland.

A few of the 19 838 small antennas. These are in the middle of the Kaiseniemi site.

In each of the circular holes, as seen in the movie, a small antenna will go. In the middle of the Kaisenimei site, the installation of those small antennas have started. In whole, the EISCAT3D system will have 19 838 of these small antennas. About 5 000 in both Kaiseniemi and Karesuvanto, and about 10 000 in Skibotn.