HPC System Expert

Status at 2019-07-04: The terms and conditions for this position will be changed 
and the vacancy will be re-advertised in autumn

HPC System Expert

EISCAT Scientific Association is recruiting an HPC System Expert for EISCAT3D.

Job Description

EISCAT3D is a major scientific research instrument and infrastructure composed of three large phased-array antennas, a powerful transmitter, and complex computation/processing hardware and software (see e.g. https://eiscat.se/about/eiscat3d7/). The implementation phase started 1 September 2017 and the system will be ready for use in 2021. EISCAT3D will have three operating sites and each site will have it’s own 10’s of TFLOPS compute cluster for signal processing and data analysis. The main focus of this role is to maximise system performance for both the realtime signal processing tasks and batch data analysis tasks. The input data rate for the system is up to 4 Tbps, so experience with I/O limited rather than compute limited systems would be beneficial.

Main Duties

System development and performance optimization of the E3D clusters for both real time workloads and data analysis.

Skills and Experience


  • Cluster computing
  • Real time workloads
  • Network performance
  • Linux kernel
  • UNIX environment
  • Category B driving license
  • EU work permit


  • Experience with high throughput systems

Terms and Conditions

The employment terms are comparable to state employment rules. This means 28 – 35 days annual vacation (depending on age), relocation coverage, good pension benefits and insurance coverage, etc.

The employment terms, including length of employment, are subject to negotiations but should not be less than for two years. The affiliation is with EISCAT Headquarters in Kiruna, Sweden and the primary work location will also be in Kiruna. A second work location, either at one of the other EISCAT sites, or at some other location, including a home-office, can be negotiated.

How to apply

Applications should be sent to e3djobs@eiscat.se (subject: HPC System Expert) at earliest convenience. The vacancy is open until filled.

For further work specific details

Mr. Simon Brown

Software Engineeer


 +46 980 791 03
 +46 72 581 33 02

For employment related matters

Mr. Henrik Andersson

Head of Administration


 +46 980 791 52
 +46 70 209 43 85

HPC System Expert 2019-03-21