EISCAT3D: Manufacturing starts

  EISCAT3D, News

EISCAT3D: Manufacturing starts

A major EISCAT3D milestone was recently achieved when the vendor, DA-Design Oy, Finland, started mass-production of the First Stage Receiver Unit (FSRU). The first production batch will amount to 119 FSRUs. Each FSRU comprise of 182 receiver channels and one FSRU is needed for each hexagon shaped antenna unit.

The FSRU passed the Production Readiness Review (PRR) mid-November. Also the Sub-Array Transmit (SAT) unit has passed the PRR and will go into production early next year. The Antenna Unit (AU) will have its PRR within the coming weeks and also the AUs will go into production early next year. The final major unit needed for EISCAT3D, the Pulse and Steering Control Unit (PSCU) is soon entering First Article tests.

Installation of the radar system hardware will commence summer 2021 in Skibotn, Norway.

1 December 2020: FSRU Mass-production, photo1 courtesy of DA-Design Oy

1 December 2020: FSRU Mass-production, photo2 courtesy of DA-Design Oy

1 December 2020: FSRU Mass-production, photo3 courtesy of DA-Design Oy