Joint NSF and EISCAT radar summer school 2014 at Arecibo
The 2014 incoherent scatter radar summer school was held at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, from July 21 to July 26. The school provided students with hands-on experience in designing and running experiments at incoherent scatter radar facilities. During this summer school, students will have the opportunity to run experiments with the Arecibo incoherent scatter radar (ISR) and use data from multiple ISR observatories, such as EISCAT, Poker Flat (PFISR), Millstone Hill, Resolute Bay (RISR), Sondrestrom and Jicamarca.
The school provided presentations in the morning and hands-on experience in experiment design and analysis in the afternoons. The morning lectures included an introduction to the theory of incoherent scatter, radar operations, ISR analysis techniques and the Madrigal database. The afternoon exercises involved working closely with ISR facility staff in the topic areas of proposal design, experiment execution, and data analysis. All students had the opportunity to work one-on-one with experienced scientists from multiple institutions.
The ISR summer school is suitable for graduate and advanced undergraduate students and attendance is limited. For instructions on how to apply for the summer school, please check the following web sites:
- ISR summer school (for participants from EISCAT countries)
ISR summer school (for students of US institutions)
Participants not connected to EISCAT countries or US institutions are considered on a case-by-case basis.
The 2014 ISR summer school is a collaboration between the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and the EISCAT Scientific Association. The EISCAT portion of the school is sponsored by the EISCAT Scientific Association and organised by Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory. The US portion of the school is sponsored by the NSF through its Geospace Facilities Program within the Geosciences Directorate and is organised by SRI International. The EISCAT portion of the school is organised by Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory.
For more information about the school, please contact (EISCAT) or (US NSF).
The deadline for application submission is 3 March 2014.