EISCAT Radar School 2012
EISCAT, in co-operation with the Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory (SGO), held a training course for new users of the EISCAT radars, from 27th August to 1st September, 2012. The training course was held at Sodankylä, where one of the EISCAT UHF remote sites is located.
The course covered all essential aspects of the current EISCAT systems, including their science programme. An overview of the existing hardware and software was provided and future plans were discussed, with a strong emphasis on EISCAT_3D. Tips on analysing and working with the data were given and the participants ran an own radar experiment in a hand-on exercise.
The lecturers comprised members of the EISCAT staff and experienced scientists from the user community. As well as providing a good foundation for new EISCAT users, the course also provided a chance for more established users to be updated on the latest and future developments.
For more information on this course please visit http://www.sgo.fi/Events/RS2012/
Presentations at the EISCAT Radar School 2012:
International EISCAT Radar School (Thomas Ulich)
Ionosphere and Radar measurements (Anita Aikio/Ian McCrea)
Radar? (Thomas Ulich)
The short introduction to Incoherent Scatter (IS) Theory (Anja Strømme)
The US Incoherent Scatter Radars (Anja Strømme)
EISCAT Scientific Association (Thomas Ulich)
EISCAT – getting data (Thomas Ulich)
ISR Theory: Part 2 (Ian McCrea)
Pulse-Coding Techniques for Incoherent-Scatter Radar (Vikki Howells)
EISCAT Common Programmes (Vikki Howells)
Phased Array Radars (Jorge Chau)
Aperture synthesis radar imaging in coherent scatter radars: Lesson from Jicamarca (Jorge Chau)
Interpreting ISR Data (Ian McCrea)
EISCAT Data (Ingemar Häggström)
The Equatorial Aeronomy at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory and relationship to high latitude research (Jorge Chau)
The LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) (Richard Fallows)
Observing the Solar Wind with Interplanetary Scintillation (Richard Fallows)
Unravelling long-term behaviour in historic geophysical data sets (Thomas Ulich)
Introduction to heating experiments (Antti Kero)
KAIRA – Kilpisjärvi Atmospheric Imaging Receiver Array (Juha Vierinen)