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GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation

The 25th of May 2018 the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became valid in the European Union. This law give you, as a user of our websites, more control over your personal data. 

EISCAT Scientific Association (org. no. 897300-2549) with Headquarters in Kiruna, Sweden and operating sites in Finland, Norway and Sweden is the responsible part for all personal data.

Questions regarding personal data can be directed to: Mrs. Emma Unander

Personal data

Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. It is crucial that the data, individually or in combination with other data, can be linked to a living person. Typical personal data is social security number, name and address.

Pictures of, and audio recordings of, people can be personal data if the people can be identified. Even information that has been coded, encrypted or pseudonymised but can be attributed to a natural person with the help of supplementary information is personal data. Processing of personal data is any form of use of personal data, e.g. collection, registration and storage.

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

EISCAT Scientific Association (EISCAT) only collects personal data that are relevant and needed for our services.

How we process personal data

In order to process personal data, there must be support in current data protection regulations. This means that for processing of personal data to be legal, one of the following is required:

  • the processing is necessary
  • the data is consented
  • the processing of personal data takes place to fulfill legal obligations
  • that the processing is necessary to perform a task of public interest or exercise of authority.

As an employer, EISCAT may legally process personal data about employees and contractors to the extent necessary to fulfill the employment or assignment agreement.

How long we retain your data

Personal data that is not part of a public document is only saved as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed.

Certain types of personal data may be necessary to preserve for a longer period of time, for example some types of statistical data.

Security measures

EISCAT make sure that all personal data is protected from unauthorized access, alteration and destruction. All development of our systems, services and operations in general takes place with respect for personal integrity and with consideration of data protection legislation.

Your rights

  • Right to access: you have the right, after application, to receive information about which personal data we have about you.
  • Right to corrrect:iIf you believe that the personal data concerning you is incorrect or incomplete, you can request to have the data corrected or supplemented.
  • Right to delete (“the right to be forgotten”): in some cases, you can have your personal data deleted. When your personal data is needed for EISCAT to be able to fulfill its mission, EISCAT can’t delete the data.

EISCAT services

To be able to give users the best experience in using EISCAT’s services and to keep them safe and secure to use, we need to collect certain types of data. We also need to collect data for necessary statistical use.

The data we collect include name and/or surname, e-mail address, in required cases affiliation and in some cases IP-adress.

The EISCAT website

When using the EISCAT website:, we collect information about your visit. This includes information about you browser, the type of device you use and what pages you visit. The information is saved in the form of cookies. The full EISCAT Cookie policy:

All searches performed using the internal site search are logged in the database, including the following information:

  • the search query
  • the number of hits found
  • user ID for users who are logged in
  • the date and time
    Your IP address are note stored.

How long we retain your data

We save search logs for statistics and analysis. The search logs are stored for 30 days before they are automatically removed.

EISCAT Madrigal


When using Madrigal we collect:

  • name
  • e-mail address
  • affiliation

How long we retain your data

Your data are stored indefinitely. We store this data for mandatory statistics and analysis.