New employees

  New recruitments, Vacancy

Four new talents for the EISCAT_3D project

This autumn, four new colleagues have joined us, here at EISCAT Headquarters.

Algorithms Engineer

The position as Algorithms Engineer went to Esa Wikström, from Kiruna.

Esa: “I have always been interested in space, research and physics. Family members have worked in the space industry and I have had an interest for space since I was little. EISCAT_3D is an exciting project that I look forward working with.”

Esa has previously worked at LKAB in Kiruna as a research engineer with main fields in system modeling, analysis and control engineering and as a systems engineer at a department for embedded software at Saab, Security and defence solutions, in Stockholm Järfälla.

With a master’s degree in electrical engineering from Luleå Tekniska Universitet (LTU), studies in Applied Bayesian Data Analysis together with experience in Python, Matlab and C++, Esa will be a valuable resource in the development of the EISCAT_3D software. He will be working with the EISCAT_3D project team at EISCAT Headquarters.

Applications Developer

David Rutberg got the position as Applications Developer for the EISCAT_3D project.

David lives in Gällivare and has a background as a software developer. He started his journey into software development by making web sites during high school. A few years later he got interested in Linux and decided to get a formal education in software development.

He has previously worked at Lundqvist Trävaru AB and has run his own firm in software development, written software for a smart home company, the mining industry and a house building company.

With several years of professional experience in building web services, industrial automation and applications development and experience in Python, C++, Java, GNU and usability design, David will be of great use in the EISCAT_3D software development, where he will develop both user interfaces and backend technology. He will be working from Gällivare and join the EISCAT_3D project team weekly.

Juri Katkalov, are currently working at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) in Lund as a Research Engineer. He will be assisting the EISCAT_3D project team in applications development on part time from Lund.

Juri has an engineering degree in Information Systems and Technologies from Petrozavodsk State University (PetrSU),  and comes from a background as a software engineer and computer technician in Apatity, Russia, with particular experience in web technologies and software development.

Previously, he has been responsible for developing data collecting software and data providing services with Web API, as well as web applications for visualization of real-time data.

With experience in Python for data processing and server-side applications and JavaScript with supplementary languages and technologies for client-side, Juri will be a well needed resource in the development of EISCAT_3D web applications, as in the design and implementation of an application for EISCAT_3D inventory database.  

Guest scientist in EISCAT_3D software development

Taishi Hasimoto has come to work with the EISCAT_3D project team as a guest scientist, in kind by the National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR), Japan for one year.

In Japan Taishi works at NIPR with the Arctic Environment Research Center. Now he will spend three months here in Kiruna, to get set up in the EISCAT_3D project and will then continue his work from Japan. Later on he will return to Kiruna for more work here at Headquarters. 

Taishi has a Ph.D. in Informatics from the Kyoto University. He has been studying radar signal processing and has spent two winters in the Antarctic Syowa Station as an operator of a Japanese large atmospheric radar: the PANSY radar. With his experience in radars and radar control, he will be of great use in the work with software development and RF-related simulation/design.