Enquiry for the EISCAT 3D Antenna Unit Installation [CLOSED]

Status: 2022-11-01 Contracts signed 

Selected Vendors

EISCAT has signed a contract for the Antenna Unit Installations in Sweden and Finland with Orefields Group AB, Sweden. The installation works will start immediately.

EISCAT has signed a contract for the Antenna Unit Installations in Norway with Transportsentralen Tromsø SA, Norway. The installation works will start immediately.


Updated Enquiry for the EISCAT 3D Antenna Unit Installation

2022-06-15: “This enquiry has been updated to add flexibility once the contract is running to allow for changes in manpower needs and resources based on experience from first units installation. We have also revisited the wording relating to possible price changes due to inflation and extended the enquiry dates.”

Closing date for offers: 2022-08-01

The procurement is for installation of the EISCAT_3D Antenna System comprising of a total of 228 assembled Antenna Units at the three sites in Norway, Finland, and Sweden.

Antenna Unit Installation Illustration

Each Antenna Unit (AU) consists of an equipment container, antenna frame and 91 antenna elements.The procurement comprises of three options:

  • installation in Norway – 119 AUs
  • installation in Finland – 54 AUs
  • installation in Sweden – 55 AUs

An offer can cover one or more options.

The Antenna System is scheduled to arrive to Norway in August 2022 and will thereafter be trucked to the three sites. The installation company/ies should then be able to start the on-site installations in September 2022.

The procurement will be a one-stage process with a closing date on 1 August 2022.

Documents relating to the Enquiry:

Short PDF: Enquiry for EISCAT_3D Antenna Unit Installation update (2022-06-15)

Full ZIP: Enquiry for EISCAT_3D AU-I update Document Package (2022-06-15)


2022-05-20 Enquiry opened

2022-06-15 Enquiry updated and closing date extended one month

2022-08-01 Enquiry closed

2022-08-02 The received offers are evaluated

2022-08-23 Contract negotiations with preferred supplier initiated

Received questions and answers relating to this procurement:
