EISCAT Symposium July 29 – August 2 2024 The EISCAT Symposium 2024 will occur the week of July 29 to August 2 ..
Status: 2023-09-29 Contract signed Selected vendor EISCAT has signed a contract for the power- and fibre installations in Sweden and Finland with ..
New Head of Science appointed EISCAT has decided to appoint the position as Head of Science with Dr. Thomas Ulich. Dr. Thomas ..
PITHIA-NRF (Plasmasphere Ionosphere Thermosphere Integrated Research Environment and Access services: a Network of Research Facilities) launches its fifth call to provide effective and ..
We are deeply saddened by the news from Finland that our long-time colleague and friend, Prof. Tauno Turunen passed away last Tuesday, ..
Status: 2023-06-28 Contract signed Selected vendor EISCAT has signed a contract for the Lock and Alarm system with Securinord AS, Harstad. Installations ..
Kilpisjärvi, Finland and Skibotn, Norway The International EISCAT Radar School is a training course for new users of incoherent scatter radars at ..
Status: 2024-05-14 Contract signed Selected vendor EISCAT has signed a contract for the installation of a Industry fence in Skibotn with Tojo ..
EISCAT_3D User Meeting 2023 The 15th E3D UM will take place within May 23-25, 2023. A mostly hybrid meeting with the possibility ..
EISCAT 3D antenna elements The mounting of the small antenna elements has started. This picture below, shows how the final antenna arrays ..
Status report from EISCAT3D installation The installation of EISCAT3D antenna units is still ongoing. The installation team report that 109 of 119 ..
Changed location: The next regular meeting of Council, number 100, will be held in Skibotn and Tromsø, Norway, 1-2 June 2023. The ..
A follow up to the 99th meeting of Council is planned for 30 March 2023. The venue is not set yet. It ..
The 79th meeting of the Administrative and Finance Committee will be held online, in sessions, 21-25 ..
The 83rd meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee will be held in Kühlungsborn, Germany, 19-20 A..