EISCAT 3D installation start

  EISCAT3D, News

EISCAT 3D installation has officially started

Last Monday, November 7, the installation of the antenna units for EISCAT 3D officially started.

At the Swedish site in Kaiseniemi the first antenna units feet were placed and the big container was lifted with a crane and lowered onto the antenna feet. This maneuver required a lot of precision, due to the need of exact placement of each antenna unit. The antenna units (with the ground planes on top) are placed in rows aligned in a honey comb structure, with only three centimeters inbetween. The precision is crucial.

The ground plane first need to be assembled to get its hexagonal shape, before it is lifted into place on top of the antenna container. The 5000 small diopole antennas are still to be mounted and connected on the ground planes. This will be done manually after all antenna units are in place.

Assembly will continue with the EISCAT 3D sites in Karesuvanto, Finland and Skibotn, Norway.