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Procurement Principles

The basis for all EISCAT procurements are the governing set of rules laid down in the BlueBook. The types given below relate mainly to how calls are published and whether a pre-selection of qualified bidders will be done. This information can be downloaded via this link: EISCAT Procurement Policy.

Open competitive procedure followed by restricted (invited only) tendering

This procurement procedure is comprised of a call for expression of interest followed by the actual tender process. After preselecting qualified tenderers, the process will start with a dialogue period before setting the final requirements. Tenderers invited to the tendering phase are encouraged to be active in the dialogue process. EISCAT will ensure equality of treatment among all Tenderers and will not reveal to other Tenderers solutions proposed or other confidential information communicated by a Tenderer participating in the dialogue without prior agreement. The EISCAT web site is used as the primary tool for communication.

Open competitive procedure

This procurement procedure is comprised of a call for expression of interest followed by the actual tender process. All who have expressed an interest will receive tendering packages and will be able to bid. The EISCAT web site is used as the primary tool for communication.

Request for Quotation

For contracts with an estimated value of 50 000 SEK or more, the Association shall request competitive offers from at least three different firms or organizations active within the countries of the Associates. The procedures are

(a) For contracts with an estimated value between 50 000 SEK and 1 000 000 SEK, pre-selected firms and organisations shall be invited to submit competitive offers.

(b) For contracts with an estimated value over 1 000 000 SEK, the Association shall assure that firms and organizations relevant for the purchase and active within the countries of the Associates are informed about the tendering process and that competitive offers are encouraged.

Note: (b) is normally covered by the two open competitive alternatives though in case of emergency, it may still be an option.


Contracts shall normally be awarded to the firm or organization offering the lowest price that complies with the specifications, the delivery requirements and the requested support and long-term security.

Headquarters, December 2017